Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bird on the balcony

Alright, I admit... I've been guilty in the past of boasting about the birds that I've sighted from my balcony... the hitlist includes the Golden Oriole, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Shikra & Asian Koel. Still, I was quite unprepared for what happened a couple of days back.

It was a normal evening, and after a hectic schedule of switching channels on the telly, I stepped out into the balcony to get some fresh air... And there's this massive Brown Kite sitting in the balcony. Ten feet away from me. I've seen cobras a couple of feet from my eye, but this was still quite unnerving. Size does matter I guess. Also, the inch long talons, the hooked beak and the beady eyes staring straight into mine.

After a few seconds of gathering my wits, I rushed to get my cam and get some documentation shots of the nocturnal visitor; it was twilight time when this happened. Now the difficult part - driving this dude away. I tried to shoo him, but it seemed like he was old, semi-blind and hard of hearing. He just ignored me. Even when I approached as close as five feet. And I wasn't brave enough to venture any closer. Next I brought out a pole and tried intimidation. He spread out his wings... all five feet of them, and I slunk away humbly. Onto the next tactic - water. Sprinkling a few glasses of water on him elicited an unusual reaction. He spread out his wings and seemed to welcome the cooling shower!

The situation obviously called for the heavy armoury to be unleashed. Back I came with a big bucketful of water and started bombarding him. He took the first few blows manfully in the chest, but the fifth and sixth rounds knocked him off the balcony and he landed awkwardly on the tarmac. It seemed like he was either injured or old or purblind, since he didnt make any efforts to fly away. Instead, he walked (like a vulture) with dignity and positioned himself behind my car, seriously freaking out a couple of dogs lying there. The dogs, who have no problem chasing cars, looked nervously at this dude, unsure whether to attack or retreat. He spread out his wings and hopped towards them, and they retreated, leaving him alone for the rest of the night. My mom tells me that another kite came in the morning and escorted this guy out safely.

A very unusual experience, but somehow I find such close encounters with animals almost spiritual.


molarbear's posts said...

Instead of spexyguy, call yourself's attracting all the boids....and next time, we want photo-documentation!

Chandu said...

Mohan, that might be a SPY KITE deployed by D, spying on you :~) Otherwise, how can one explain such an unusual behaviour by kites?Also my guess is it's FEMLAE- "the clues"- un-scared by men,loves bathing, scares one away with staring looks, loves the cars, doesn't realize about growing old and finally can't be shoo-ed away from home!!

Megha said...

Yes kites are very intimidating and they dont fear coming close to you. Once I sat reading and one of these dudes wanted to jet set from a balcony to the other. It took a angular quick diving plunge, flying at what seemed like 100kmph and close enough to flutter my hair. I screamed after 3-4 secs.. it didnt register for sometime.

Chandu said...

hey mohan remember me! we met 2 weeks back during the valley school trip (D's last summer trip before summer migration)

mohan said...

@molarbear - Bird Brain? I am so offended...

@Chandu - of course I remember you! And speaking of females... I think I should show your comment to your wife! :)

@Megha - Raghuram has been attacked twice by kites on the Safina Towers balcony! Both times I was there and somehow the kites seem to find his hair irresistable...