Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dear Diary ##1

Trying to be my own boss has been surreal so far. Unless you are a particular kind of individual, the minuses far outweigh the plusses.

1. The buck stops with you. There is no scope for "covering your a$$" and shifting blame. Actions have consequences and they are direct.

2. Time is always shorter than the outstanding work.

3. Being organized and meticulous seems to be paramount.

4. The opportunity seems unbounded one moment and non-existent the next.

5. Originality/Creativity is slightly overrated. Execution is more important.

6. Competition is a moving target.

The positives I've seen so far -

1. Starting at ground zero is liberating. Having no safety-net works wonders on your focus.

2. When you start getting answers in dreams, you are officially obsessed with a problem. Feels kinda good.

3. "The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do" - Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Reinforced on a daily basis.

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