Friday, July 18, 2008

Of phobias and nightmares

I've been having trouble sleeping at night for the last week or so... What better way to kill time than to add to the wealth of knowledge online :-)

A couple of months ago, my cousin, Sin, was narrating a disturbing dream that she had the previous night. Apparently, she dreamt that she was being attacked by a monstrous black cat. She woke up with a start, and couldnt sleep well for the remainder of the night. On the same topic, another cuz, Shu, started talking about some common nightmares that women frequently have( supposedly ). Seeing oneself with some physical deformity is the common theme of most of these nightmares. Eg. Loss of hair, teeth, scars on face etc. The psycho-analytic explanation of such dreams is apparently the insecurity of most people ( more so women than men ) about losing their physical attractiveness. Another common dream apparently concerns with the death of person(s) with whom one shares an emotional bond. Again, this is related to one's insecurities. Most other nightmares are apparently connected to recent events in one's life. For instance, the particular dream about a cat might have been due to the fact that she had just shut the window before sleeping, to keep a cat out.

I couldnt remember any nightmare I have ever had, and after some serious memory-digging, I realized that I had *never* had any nightmares in my entire life. My cousins were quite shocked, and also convinced that I was either lying thru my teeth, or was a very secure individual !

When I think about the same topic now, I still dont have a valid excuse(!) for not having nightmares, ever. The only plausible reason I can think of, is that I dont have any abnormal phobias.
I dont believe in ghosts or other evil supernatural forces ( which is quite strange, as I do believe in God ), and I would easily spend a night in a "haunted house" if required.
I love wildlife, and am particularly fascinated by reptiles. I have had too many close encounters with snakes to be scared of them. I have been charged by wild elephants and gotten dangerously close to a King Cobra and I still live to tell the tale.
I am not afraid of death or serious injury, nor of losing the people who really matter in my life.

Plus, I must've had a very happy childhood too...

All of this, or I might just be a very heavy sleeper with a bad memory ! :)


Unknown said...

hey spexy boy..
what would you have to say about this dream... where the "protagonist" wants to beat up every boy/man she comes across and even ends up beating one

Dream catcher

mohan said...

Well Ms Susiekins... I dont claim to be a psychoanalyst, but there is a possibility that some boy(s) caused a lot of trouble in your life...

In classical Freudian theory, the way to cope is something on the lines of - "If u cant beat them, kick them in the nuts and stop returning their calls". :)

BTW, do I know you? If yes, I should probably stop meeting you in the absence of material witnesses ! ;)